Sunday, November 29, 2009


I was a bright student in my class. I was a
bookworm and went through any book, that came in my hand.
I didn't leave the newspaper cover of bundles packed, brought from the market by my father.
I had membership in 3 libraries. I was awarded
the 1st prize of leather bound Bible from Sunday school for being the first rank holder
in the final exam. Then I began to teach in Sunday school.
One thing I forgot to mention, in the final Sunday school exam, there was a question out of syllabus, and the superintendent permitted
to look into the text and copy the answer. As it was contrary to my conscience, I never copied the answer. The superintendent was a deacon too, that prodded me very much.
This was the reason
I hope, that I was getting away from church and Christianity even.

I looked on my body and I saw the mark of the umbilical cord on my
belly. That is the only evidence that I had a mother. I was unaware
about my birth, and separation from my mother's womb. Still there is a
clear-cut proof in my body. So I cannot refuse that I had a mother at
all. In the same manner, man was not there, while the earth and heaven
were formed, but we see the mark of a sovereign God who created it, the psalmist says, " The heaven declares the glory of God and the firmament shewth his handy work." The Bible also says, " The fool hath said in his heart that there is no God, They are corrupt and
do abominable things" Ps 14:1 (bible)

Now I came to know that there is a God. Then who is the God? There are so many religions and each one has there own gods. This was confusing to me.

As I was reading the 'Complete works of Vivekananda' the Great
Indian saint Vivekananda, said," a true Hindu is a true Christian".
This statement touched me. In effect he was telling that there is only God. The other major religions of the world have a common father
hood, I mean about, Jews, Islam, and Christianity. At this time I read a small booklet namely, "how I got joy unspeakable and full of glory" written by a Sikh (having turban on head) called Bhakt Singh. A very learned engineer, Bhakthsing had certain peculiar Christian
experiences and he accepted Jesus as his personal saviour.

I met him in Madras in 1969. It was a turning point in my life. I had discussions with him and convinced that Jesus was my saviour too.
Many miracles happened in my life as the charismatic people say of the miracle hand of Jesus.

I will tell you one small incident. My wife was working as a staff nurse in Saudi Arabia in the year 1988. One day I had a dream,
in which I saw I am getting a telegram, which read, like this so deep and hit the spot in my heart." Unfortunately... I could not read it fully, since tears were falling down my cheeks. I thought some untoward incident is going to take place, and I was anxious about my wifes safety. I compelled her to resign and come back to India, at the earliest. She resigned and came to India. When she came to India, she asked me, why she was
compelled to resign. I kept mum. I didn't say it was on the basis of a
dream, which I thought, would not convince her.

But after few months, as Saddam of Iraq dropped the bombs in
Saudi beginning the Gulf war only, we came to know EVERYTHING WORK TOGETHER FOR THE GOOD THAT LOVE THE LORD. ROM: 8:28 (BIBLE)

Few Years back, one night I was sleeping at my home. I had a dream and I found that I am falling on the ground and dying. It was pitch dark, and I didn't what is happening whether it as a dream or a fact. I felt the ground and knew I was in my cot. I got up, and switched on the light. Now I found there was no accident and it was mere dream. After
one week I had a peculiar instance. I had to go for duty (I was a chief Telecom supervisor) at 7.30AM. So I prepared my Tiffin early morning and told my children to have it and go to school. I would come at 10 AM from office. I came to my office and kept my scooter, at the gate, went in to have my breakfast. Finishing my breakfast, I came to my gate and
started the scooter to go to my office.

Suddenly I heard a voice telling me to take my helmet, I turned around to see the person talked to me. There was nobody in that area, and only I heard the sound. Seeing nobody I started the scooter again, and heard the same voice, telling me to take my helmet. There was no one at sight. Believing that it may be the voice of the risen Lord, I took my helmet, which I purchased from Delhi, and wearing it went straight to my office. On my way I met with an accident. An auto rickshaw
giving wrong signal hit against me and I was thrown off from my scooter.
Fortunately nothing happened and I was totally safe. My helmet was broken
and there was damage to my vehicle too.

Who has warned me one week before the accident? Who gave me warning twice on the same day the accident occurred? It is JESUS the Son of God whom the Romans and Jews crucified and yet lives! I suggest you to read the Bible to know more about Jesus. (Start from New Testament)


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