Sunday, November 29, 2009

individualized education plan

Peter’s Story

At age 8, Peter was enrolled in grade one. During his school days, it was observed that he has this anxiety to be called by the teacher to read the words written the board or even in the textbooks. Every time he is called, he would have cutting classes after then.
According to his teacher, Peter can identify the letters in alphabet and even write his name but he has difficulty in reading when letters are formed into words even it is just a two letter word. He can also determine and count numbers from 1 to 10 but can’t able to continue counting from 11 and so on and so forth. He has also difficulty with math processing.
“When Peter was just one-year old, he got sick. It was just an ordinary fever that led to convulsion. Thus, he was given a lot of medicine to intake. At that age, he had taken high dosage of medicine that affects his brain as well as his memory,” shared Peter’s brother.
Now, Peter is already 12-year old and was promoted to second grade, but the problem was still unsolved. Since he was enrolled in a normal class and his problem is not yet given assistance.

Documented by:

Rochelle C. Dalago
Lester John G. Villanueva


I. Student Information

Name: Peterman S. Ronquillo
Date of Birth: January 7, 1997
Age: 12-year old
Gender: Male
Address: P-3, Hornasan, San Agustin, Surigao del Sur
School: Sto. Niño Elementary School
Level: Grade II
Date of Report: October 10, 2009

II. Level of Functioning/ Present Performance

Strengths Weaknesses
A. Pre-Academic Learning

1. Peter can identify letters in
2. He can write his name
3. He can determine and count numbers from 1 to 10

1. He has difficulty in reading when
letters are formed into words.
2. He has difficulty counting from 11
and so on.
3. He has difficulty in math
processing like adding and
subtracting numbers.
4. Show little interest in learning.

III. Annual Goals

At the end of the year, Peterman is expected to:

1. master the sounds of the letters in alphabet;
2. read letters formed into words;
3. count numbers continuously;
4. learn mathematical symbols and their meanings; and
5. apply number facts in solution calculation.

IV. Short-Term Goals

Peterman is expected to:

1. distinguish the sounds of letters in alphabet (4-5 weeks) ;
2. decode letters to form words (4-5 weeks);
3. comprehend when one reads (4-5 weeks);
4. familiarize the mathematical symbol in addition(+), and subtraction(-) and understand their meanings (3-4 weeks); and
5. perform calculations using the two mathematical symbols.

V. Educational Services

1. There will be a behavior modification for him to have an interest in learning.
2. He will be guided by his teachers in varied learning process.
3. He will have a session with the teacher in speech laboratory to have a phonological awareness for at least 3-hour a day (1 hour and half in the morning and in the afternoon). Sounds of the letters in the alphabet will be taught.
4. The teacher will present visual materials (drawings or pictures) with its corresponding names/labels. He will be taught how to associate letters to form words.
5. With the given period of time, the two mathematical symbols will be taught to Peter after repetitive teaching about their symbols and meanings. He will be exposed to real-life setting which shows how math is part of everyday life.
6. He will be given a constant support in different activities that he may involve with.

VI. Evaluation Procedure

1. Peter recites the sounds of the alphabets that he had learned at the speech laboratory.
2. Providing the pictures and other materials, he will have an oral examination. He will read the label of the given pictures.
3. With the use of real objects, he will have first evaluation in addition. He will perform a calculation on the board alone.
4. Subtraction will follow with the same way of evaluating his ability in addition.

(Note: These activities will be assisted by his teacher. This IEP will be reviewed on October 10, 2010).

VII. Approval

This IEP meeting was held at PTA building of Sto. Niño Elementary School on October 10, 2009 with the following people attendance:

Names Title/Role Signature
Rosa C. Pedroso Principal
Fernand H. Alameda Physician
Rochelle C. Dalago Guidance and Counselor
Gela S. Borja SPED Teacher
Romeo S. Ronquillo Father
Ma. Luz M. Ronquillo Mother
Lester John G. Villanueva Teacher

We have had the opportunity to participate in the development of my son’s
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and we agree with its provisions.


Father Mother

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